Did you know?
By building houses, driveways, and garage roads, we need to keep water in our soils to water plants and allow evapotranspiration. Evapotranspiration is key to decrease the negative impacts of heat waves and climate change in general. Rainfall that used to directly infiltrate through the soils or slowly drain overland now runs off the land much faster across impervious surfaces and through the piped storm water network. Consequently, both the volume of water and the peak flow have increased as a direct result of urban development. Risk of flooding is increasing, and water quality may also be adversely affected by hydrocarbon pollution. Climate change shows that the frequency of heavy rainfalls and heat waves have direct impact on our residential houses. Our vehicles may also release diffuse oil leaks when they are parked.
Designing TenCate GeoClean® aquatextile solution encourages the willingness of simultaneously directly infiltrate rainfall while boosting nature that biodegrades hydrocarbon pollution This encourages owners to build the driveways with alternative permeable solution to infiltrate directly clean water.
Shallow subbase attenuation layer in private houses areas
Permeable Mineral Pavement on an individual car park
Swales to clean water from your garden
Avoid risk of floods and pollution! Select one of these applications to design the private car park infrastructure:

Any questions?
Do you need support on a project or need technical information about our active oil-depolluting aquatextile?
We are at your disposal and we are committed to answering you as soon as possible.